On Aug 22, 9:18, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
> BASF also made a 2/3 height floppy (could get 3 into a double bay). It
> was the first 5.25" drive smaller than "full height" that I saw. It also
> was the first one that I saw that had a D.O.A. failure rate of more than
> 50%. The door on it was not very obvious - you push on the door and then
> let it pop open. I recommend pushing on that door with a very large
> mallet.
I remember those -- the RML380Z used them. Canon also made a 2/3 drive --
a 40/80 switchable, and a rather better device than the BASF. I've got one
here, with some extra switches so it can emulate the peculiarities of an
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Wed Aug 22 2001 - 16:27:44 BST