TRS80 help needed

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Thu Aug 23 18:16:43 2001

On Aug 23, 7:23, Pete Turnbull wrote:
> On Aug 22, 17:24, Don Maslin wrote:

> > Pete, were those the ones that also had a `touch latch' door on them?
> > Some of the Otrona Attache's used such drives, but I had no idea that
> > they were 40/80 switchable! Do you have any jumper information for
> > them?
> They actually made two or three models, so yours may not be switchable.
> do have the jumper information somewhere, and I'll look for it this
> evening.

Mine is a Canon MDD220. Yes, it's a "touch-latch" door. It has three DIL
switch packs:

SW1, 4-way, beside the 34-way connector:

SW1-1 on for DS1
SW1-2 on for DS2
SW1-3 on for DS3
SW1-4 on for DS4 (40/80-track switching)

SW2, 7-way, near the front of the drive:

SW2-1 InUse LED with Head Load
SW2-2 InUse LED with Door Lock
SW2-3 Door Lock with Drive Select
SW2-4 Door Lock with InUse
SW2-5 Door Lock with Head Load
SW2-6 unused
SW2-7 Head Load with DrvSel/DoorClosed

SW3, 6-way, beside the 34-way connector:

SW3-1 Independant Head Load
SW3-2 Head Load with Drive Select
SW3-3 Motor On with Drive Select
SW3-4 Independant Motor On
SW3-5 80/40-track (Drive Select 4)
SW3-6 80/40-track switching via Drive Select

SW3-5 = ON means that 40/80 mode is determined by the position of SW1-4,
not by the select signal received from the host:

SW3-5 ON, SW3-6 ON, SW1-4 OFF => 40=track mode, LED will be GREEN
SW3-5 ON, SW3-6 ON, SW1-4 ON => 80=track mode, LED will be RED

There are also 7 pads near the power connector, laid out like this:
        | \ 7 1
        | } 6 2
        | } 5 3
        | } 4
        | }

Normally, these are made 1-6, 2-5, 3-4. To use the 80/40-track switching,
cut link 1-6.

The MDD210 drive is similar but without switching (80-track only).
The MDD6106 is also similar but without switching (I think 40-track only).

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York
Received on Thu Aug 23 2001 - 18:16:43 BST

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