Tony Duell skrev:
>> (although I'd say I didn't); having got into it in the early '80s (about
>> '81 I think). Bear in mind I was at primary school at the time, so I have a
>> good excuse.... :)
>I think what happened to me was that in about 1986 I managed to buy an
>old P850 minicomputer for \pounds 25.00 (it was sold as scrap). The front
>panel (toggle switches and filament lamps) is beautiful, so I deceided to
>have a go at repairing it. I learnt about how processors worked from that
>machine (even though it's very unconventional!), and decided to grab any
>other machines that I could and learn about those too.
Unconventional in what way? Is it novel?
>> >I think this is lack of experience again. Most classic HP machines have
>> >GPIB
>> Probably - again, I joined in in the early '80s, so anything that predates
>> that I'm unlikely to have used, or even seen...
>I'm pretty sure some HP 9000-series Unix boxes have HPIB disks, BTW...
The 9000/200 series certainly did. In fact, HPIB is the only built-in
interface I can recall there being in our 228.
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Amiga 4000/040 25MHz/56MB/20GB RetinaBLTZ3/VLab/FastlaneZ3/Ariadne/Toccata
Received on Mon Aug 27 2001 - 20:21:20 BST