--- jkunz_at_unixag-kl.fh-kl.de wrote:
> On 23 Aug, Glenatacme_at_aol.com wrote:
> > Recently a post apperaed here wherein someone was wanting to give away
> > a VAX 11/750.
> That is a really nice VAX. Not that fast (0.65 VUPs / MIPS) but it is
> one of the more handy real VAXen. (Real means it is no MicroVAX or
> VAXstation). Only the VAX 11/730 is smaler.
I agree it's a nice VAX, one of my favorites (probably because it was
my first experience). The 11/725 is the smallest "real" VAX - a KA730
CPU in a box slightly larger than a BA123, typically with an RC-25 dual
disk (25 Mb platter fixed, 25 MB removable cartridge, like an oversized
Syquest 44Mb), making the 11/750 the "third" smallest real VAX (not
counting the OEMed, rack-mounted VAX-11/751 - same CPU, packaged for the
geological/oil industry).
The 11/750 maxes out at 14Mb with the right memory controller, 8Mb with
the more common one (and 2Mb with the original!). It has three MASSBUS
slots for DEC disk and tape and plenty of 3rd-party options (like the
SI9900 controllers I have). You can even stick a second UNIBUS off of
one of the MASSBUS slots if you _really_ need it (L0010?)
We ran VMS 3.x on ours back in the day when that was common. It was
retired to a storage locker (mine!) running VMS 4.6 and VMS 5.5-2
(depending on whether you booted the Fujitsu SMD drives off the SI9900
or the RA81). At its greatest extent, it had 8Mb RAM, 1Gb disk, and
a raft of Emulex CS-21 serial cards (more than six w/16 ports each).
As I said... very nice machine. Ran VMS MAIL and MASS-11 word processing
mostly, along with VAX-C. As long as there weren't more than about five
active users, it felt like you had the machine to yourself. More memory
would have helped. Compiling our entire product from scratch did take
several hours.
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Received on Tue Aug 28 2001 - 13:10:32 BST