A transformer that will work for 8 Volt unregulated supplies is the Stancor
Universal Rectifier Transformers. These transformers have a tapped primary
and 2 identical secondary windings. You can wire them so you can get from 4
to 32 volts DC. The RT-204 is 8 amp and the RT-206 is 12 amp. I have seened
these for sale on the web. (I bought one today.) You can find the data
sheets at the Stancor web page. (Use Google and search for Stancor and
I used an RT-206 to upgrade my SWTPC 6800 system 20 years ago. (24k of 2102
static RAM draws 9 amps and keeps a room warm at the same time.) I had to
use a second transformer for the +/- 12 volts.
Here are some pictures.
Michael Holley
Received on Fri Aug 31 2001 - 00:09:01 BST