History of Computing exam question

From: Ben Franchuk <bfranchuk_at_jetnet.ab.ca>
Date: Sat Dec 1 18:02:02 2001

Geoff Roberts wrote:
> > 13) 1968/9
> > The Apollo guidance computer - Helped get man to the moon.
> Are we talking about the ones on the ground or the ones in the spacecraft?
> If the spacecraft, was the one in the LEM the same machine? Anyone got any
> info on it? Any examples survive?

 The one in the command module. I suspect bits and pieces have survived
as part of the apollo museum pieces. There is a good bit of information
on the web about this machine because of the Apollo 1 electrical fire.
The movie Apollo 13 has a nice mock up of it.

What about the PDP-1 and vector display ... the first real video game!
PS. As a reminder http://members.aol.com/swtpc6800/FDC2/FDC_Index.htm
is a new floppy disc controller for the Southwest Technical Products
6800 and 6809 computers.
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's -- 
Received on Sat Dec 01 2001 - 18:02:02 GMT

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