FS: Only ATR8500 in existence

From: UberTechnoid_at_home.com <(UberTechnoid_at_home.com)>
Date: Fri Dec 7 23:24:19 2001

To the best of my knowlege, this is the only SWP ATR8500 in existence.
It's serial number is "005". It was a prototype sent to B&C way back
when. It includes the original manuals, boot disks, schematics etc. It
is an Atari peripheral (disk interface, printerface, serialface) and a
CP/M computer with 64kb onboard. It is a board (no case) about the same
dimensions as the controller board on a Seagate St506 but with different
mounting holes.

Basicly this is an ATR8000 with a hardware uart, a dma jack and a much
smaller footprint. Power requirements can be met with a standard XT/AT
supply (re-order pins to match jack).

It does not require an Atari to use as it will interface with a standard
dumb terminal.

Any offers?



Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
Received on Fri Dec 07 2001 - 23:24:19 GMT

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