This is off topic but thought some of you might find it
interesting. I actually started laughing when I saw it and my wife
couldn't figure out what I was laughing at.
We were watching the figure skating competition that was
being broadcast from the MCI Center in Washington D.C. tonight. She
always has the closed-captioning turned on and suddenly a 'no
carrier' popped up on the screen. A few seconds later it was
followed by a 'RING' and then almost immediately it was followed by a
'Connect 1200'. It would appear that whomever was doing the
captioning was doing it remotely and lost the connection and that the
computer they were connected to was broadcasting anything that was
transmitted, including error messages. This brings back memories of
connecting by older modems to BBS systems, as well as memories of
occasionally seeing a GURU error when an Amiga on a Cable TV station
would crash.
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Received on Sat Dec 08 2001 - 22:02:24 GMT