Wierd Things you've found inside... (was Smoking around computers))

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Thu Dec 13 16:12:03 2001

Rumor has it that Douglas Quebbeman may have mentioned these words:
> > > I'll bet you're presbyotic (far-sighted)
> >
> > Nit pick time. I think you mean presbyopic. presbyotic would be
> > someone who can only hear things far away.

Hmmm... from my High School biology & health classes, I seem to recall that
myopia is nearsightedness, *hyperopia* was farsightedness, and I thought
that presbyopia was either someone who can see near & far but not in
between, or someone that could not see near or far, but what was in between
was in focus... but that was a long time ago... and the health field
changes faster than the computer field... (I was amazed seeing back 80-90
years ago that over 50% of the folks that died in my town were diagnosed
with "consumption"... I wonder what consumed them? Maybe squirrels??? ;-)

> > > Plus, isn't the fiddle on their stomach? Should I ask the spider
> > > to "present, front and center" so i can check?
> >
> > Definitely on the back, hence the common name fiddleback spider.

Makes me *very* happy to be in Northern Michigan - other than a rumor every
10 years or so of a rattlesnake being seen, hardly anything poisonous other
than wasps & bumblebees is able to survive up here... :-)

Oh, and my grandma was born/raised in the foothills of Kentucky -- if it
didn't crawl away fast enough, it was dinner. I've eaten squirrel that my
brother & I shot (small red squirrels) - it's *very* tasty, but you'd best
have a *lot* of them! I've also had muskrat, beaver, raccoon, squid, deer
(venison - my dad just shot one this morning!! Yum!), bear, moose, buffalo,
elk, wild boar.... usw.

And yes, cow's tongue is very good also, when prepared correctly, but I
never did acquire a taste for the pickled pork hocks... I don't "pretend"
what I like, because I like most everything.

Yes, it's offtopic, but I just thought I'd include that for those here who
are squeamish... ;^>

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an *older* .sig.
(circa 1997!) Why does Hershey's put nutritional information on
their candy bar wrappers when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Thu Dec 13 2001 - 16:12:03 GMT

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