On Dec 19, 1:02, Tony Duell wrote:
> > DEC 380 bus receiver
> Quad NOR gate Bus Receiver
> > DEC 97401 bus receiver
> Are you sure that's not a driver?
It possibly is.
> > DEC 384 (or DEC 5384, which I think is the same) bus driver
> As far as I can see, this is the non-inverting (OR) equivalent to the 380
Thanks -- that's most helpful.
> FWIW, my 8/e printset includes the M8650. It uses the above chips (and
> numbers the pins on the schematic). It also confirms that the 380 and 384
> are receivers and the 97401 is a driver.
How many sheets are in the set? I wonder if you could copy it. I know you
don't have regular access to a copier, and not to an A3 copier, but the
schematic in sections would be useful. But first, I'll see how far I get
now I know the pinouts.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Wed Dec 19 2001 - 11:50:56 GMT