6502/Z80 speed comparison (was MITS 2SIO serial chip?)

From: CLeyson_at_aol.com <(CLeyson_at_aol.com)>
Date: Sat Dec 22 16:22:06 2001

In a message dated 12/22/01 Chris Leyson writes:
>> How about a straight insertion bubble sort ? A completely useless task but
>> does take a defined number of data moves and compare operations. The array
>> to be sorted could be say, 16-bit signed integer, 1k words long and in
>> order. (That should take a while for a 6502 to sort out).

In a reply dated 12/22/01 Richard Erlacher writes
> Yes, maybe something of that sort would be appropriate. Testing it on
> and then 16-bit quantities might be just the thing for testing the relative
> ability, in spite of architectural differences, of handling longer data.
> suggest that larger records might be more appropriate, i.e. 32-byte records,
> etc.

OK 8-bit and 16-bit data is appropriate but would require separate algorithms.
As for record length I would suggest at least 1k (1024) entries. (Eliminates
base page cheating)

> BTW, when I was in college, which I realize was some time ago, but, back
> Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort were two different algorithms ... I don't
> remember the differences, but will check my old texts, though they're in
> Sanskrit ...

Apologies, that should have read insertion sort OR bubble sort. Bubble sort
runs through the array comparing adjacent values and swaps them whereas
insertion sort moves an array member until it's in the right place. In terms
performance they are both slow algoritms.

Here is the code from Numerical Recipies for an insertion sort (Fortran and C)

Sorts an array arr(1:n) into ascending numerical order, by straight insertion.
n is input; arr() is replaced on output by its sorted rearrangement.

integer n
real arr(n)
integer i,j
real a
    do j=2,n
        do i=j-1,1,-1
            if (arr(i).le.a) goto 10
        end do
10 arr(i+1)=a
    end do

    int i,j;
    float a;
    for (j=2;j<=n;j++) {
        while (i>0 && arr[i] > a );
            arr[i+1] = arr[i];

Ignore the floats and reals for the data, they should be ints or chars for the
purposes of our 6502/Z80 benchmark.

Just for the hell of it, I will try this out in DSP56300 assembler.

Received on Sat Dec 22 2001 - 16:22:06 GMT

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