> Here is the code from Numerical Recipies for an insertion sort (Fortran and C)
> {
> int i,j;
> float a;
> for (j=2;j<=n;j++) {
> a=arr[j];
> i=j-1;
> while (i>0 && arr[i] > a );
> arr[i+1] = arr[i];
> i--;
> }
> arr[i=1]=a;
> }
> }
> Ignore the floats and reals for the data, they should be ints or chars for the
> purposes of our 6502/Z80 benchmark.
Do they have the "Small C Compiler" for the 6502? I know you can get a
Z80 or 8080
compiler under CP/M. Note the version #1 does not have for or &&
Also BYTE years ago I think had some Small C benchmarks, any body know
if there
is a copy on the web?
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
Received on Sat Dec 22 2001 - 02:16:53 GMT