Try it!!!! (Was - Re: One More PCB Dishwasher Question)

From: William Donzelli <>
Date: Sat Dec 29 16:07:53 2001

> But is not that change the same as going from COLD to HOT when you apply
> power to the chip under normal operation of the computer?

For the big stuff, sure. Not for the small stuff (glue, I/O, memory, and
other stuff that does not suck much power).

Here is a test. Boil some water in a big pot, as if you were to make
pasta. Turn the gas off, let it cool just a few seconds, then dump all your
favorite chips in. I am sure one will not comeout alive (or maybe crippled).

William Donzelli
Received on Sat Dec 29 2001 - 16:07:53 GMT

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