Compaticard (was: Any AMIGA users?

From: Don Maslin <>
Date: Mon Dec 31 23:37:40 2001

On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:

> > > Yes. It's a very nice 765 implementation. It can handle single density
> > > (I don't know off-hand whether they used a 37C65, or added extra logic),
> > > can handle 4 drives, can operate at other addresses to permit use as a
> > > second controller, etc.
> > > But it's still a 765. As such, it can not do GCR, can't do hard sectors,
> > > can't do MFM without WD style sector headers (AMIGA!), and can't even do
> > > some WD MFM formats that start the first sector too early.
> > > Allison could tell you EXACTLY what its capabilities and limitations are.
> >
> On Mon, 31 Dec 2001, Don Maslin wrote:
> > Fred, though I have never seen one, I have heard that they made some of
> > the CCIVs with the National Semi FDC chips that were a bit more flexible
> > than the 765.
> But those are still 765s, with the same basic capabilities and
> limitations. The added flexibility might help with the "first sector"
> issue, but it absolutely will NOT provide the RAW track read that would be
> needed for reading Amiga, GCR, etc.

Agreed! But were they not also, perhaps, capable of coping with the
`dreaded' 128byte MFM sector bugaboo?
                                                 - don
Received on Mon Dec 31 2001 - 23:37:40 GMT

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