Here's a link to an eBay auction with a bunch of boards to upgrade to
III status:
No connection ....I just happened to see it this morning. I THINK I have
a door available .. currently buried in storage. I'll take a look and
Monday and drop you a note off-list.
Tothwolf wrote:
> Well, after all the talk about a MicroVax II BA123 on the list lately, I
> managed to unbury mine. It appears to be all original except for 2 hard
> drives that may have been added as an upgrade. All the boards match up
> with the DEC sticker with handwritten board numbers. It has the standard
> cpu board, what seems to be a 2mb ram board, a serial interface board w/ 8
> ports, and the standard scsi and tape interface boards. It also has some
> sort of loopback board in the upper 3rd slot. Does anyone have a link to
> reference info on these boards? I'd like to find a pair of 8mb ram boards
> and a network interface for this thing, so I can put it back in service
> for open source software development/testing. I don't know the part
> numbers for these boards, so any extra info would be great. I'm also
> looking for the door that covers the front control panel, as this machine
> seems to have lost its door at some point before I rescued it. If anyone
> has any of these parts laying around, please drop me an email. I'm more
> then willing to pay shipping. I really don't think I have much of anything
> anyone here would want as a trade, so I'm willing to pay for the parts too
> if required.
> Another interesting tidbit about this box, it still has its inventory
> sticker from NASA, and it orig cost good old uncle sam $22,000+. Anyone
> else wonder why they didn't have it outfitted with a network interface of
> somesort, especially with it costing that much already?
> -Toth
Received on Sun Dec 09 2001 - 08:13:27 GMT