Needed: 4 - 4meg 72pin non-parity SIMMs

From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Fri Feb 2 22:33:51 2001

Douglas Quebbeman skrev:

>I think you're missing my point.

>System 7.5 was a retail-boxed version of MacOS, as was
>System 7.1, and NEITHER of them are available for free

>The last version of MacOS that was available for free
>download was OS 7.0.1.

>Everything else that's available is an UPDATE, and CAN NOT
>be used for a fresh install. You can't, for example, install
>System 7.5.3 on a Macintosh UNLESS it already has 7.5 or 7.5.1.

Bollocks, I've installed one of these fresh, and it's always worked fine on
the LowendMac lists.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6.
optimus_at_dec:foo$ make love
make: don't know how to make love. Stop
Received on Fri Feb 02 2001 - 22:33:51 GMT

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