- $3551 Sol???
- (fwd) ALL Electric Components (fwd)
- (no subject)
- 3w3 to bnc video connection
- 8080 Complier Recommendation
- [dave_at_farber.net: IP: Can anyone help?]
- [oldcalcs] Intel old chips
- [OT] SCSI termination trouble?
- [SunRescue] PDP 11/34 in Twin Cities <fwd>
- A couple of Bondwell 2 questions
- A) Hooray for SOLace 2.2 & B) Type 'n Talk power supply needed
- Adopted -- PC Convertible 5140
- Advice need - clean 8K PET keyboard
- Al Gross RIP
- ALERT! Major Purge in progress
- Amiga development (was: uVAX II Memory Board)
- Amiga Unix (was: Amiga develop ment))
- Amiga Unix (was: Amiga development)
- Amiga Unix (was: Amiga development))
- Another Apple II clone found (Microcom) for trade/giveaway
- Anyone ever heard of...
- Apple II CP/M card
- AppleTalk On NeXT Cube
- Atari guilt post, Socal Goodwill
- Available: Rackmount SCSI Drive Enclosures
- Boot disk
- Brag Brag Brag
- Bricklin and Frankston win Washington Award
- Brief OT: Mail server blocks
- C64 question
- California Scientific Systems
- Can anyone identify this board?
- CC-40
- classic answering machines
- Classic OS mp3
- classiccmp-digest V1 #516
- classiccmp-digest V1 #524 (on RS6000/340)
- Codex Equipment
- Collectors Bulletin Board
- Colossus code-breaking machine: seminar, Bristol, UK
- Commodore 900
- Compaq trade offered
- Compaq Unix Games
- Contents overview of Transputer Applications Notebook
- Control Data 110 Find
- Corvus?
- CPU and OS
- CS/20 and CS/30
- Data General MV8000/9300
- Data I/O 212 EPROM programmer
- DEC CXA16 manual
- DEC option identification
- Dejanews
- Dejanews)
- DG CS/20 & CS/30 reply
- E11 / Windows ME question
- E11/WinME results....
- E11/WinME results....)
- EBAY - RS/6000 Powerserver 340
- EGA-VGA adapter
- Emulex woes
- Epson Action Laser II
- Epson Action Laser II (Back on topic)
- EPSON HC-41 mystery solved...
- Epson HX-20 has faulty display
- Everybody talking about SUNs - I never had one...I never tried one...who wil find/trade me one?
- Fixing VT220s
- FS - Fluent Laser Fonts
- FS: IBM PS/2 model 55SX with Procom IDE interface
- FS: VAXStation 2000 w/Ultrix installed
- furnace collecting and vintage furnace control system interfacing
- Fwd: Naked Mini Broke
- FYI: Byte #1-6 on Amazon Auctions
- FYI: BYTE Magazine Issue #1 -- EXTREMELY RARE $175.00!!!!!
- GG2 bus
- Good Used Computer Book source:
- Goodies Available
- Great HP Finds
- Helk with a Kontron EPP-80 EPROM Burner
- Holy Crap! IMSAI's weren't this expensive when new!
- Honeywell, Varian, and Teletype manuals for sale
- HP 85 Question
- HP BASIC & SRM newbie
- HP Composite Video Interface Card
- HP Drives
- HP Entria
- HP Laserjet Series II
- HP-UX cd update
- HP-UX cd's
- HP-UX cd's...a partial list
- HP-UX discs available
- HP-UX software site
- HP41 data barcode
- HPUX backup (now it's working)
- HPUX backup (sorta working)
- IBM 6360 8 inch drive
- IBM APL for PC help: missing VM232___.AIO
- IBM Bookserver link
- IBM PC needs new home
- IBM SIMMS question
- ID this Heath/Zenith drive
- In search of Apollo workstations
- Info on TI CC-40
- John Mauchley
- Just a test, please ignore
- Kaypro and Apple Docs and Disks
- Last OT re; Mail
- latest finds
- LF Series 1600 (or something along those lines)
- Looking for book "Computer Engineering: A DEC View of Hardware Systems Design"
- Looking for book "VMS File System Internals"
- Looking for Query/36
- Lost my mailbox and some of your email addresses!
- Magazines
- MegaGraphics MegaVideo upgrade for the Mac Plus
- Memorex 2374-81R
- Microsoft / Amiga connections
- Microsoft / Amiga connections (Really SGI stuff now)
- Misc hardware avail
- More book dealers...
- More VAX troubles
- My emulator stash
- Neat find: Maxx Steele Robot
- Need help with Grid 386
- Needed: 4 - 4meg 72pin non-parity SIMMs
- Netbooting Apollo Domain [34]x00
- New find : hacked and modified Hyperion computer
- New version of the Dec field guide for the Palm
- Newton revival?
- NeXT MO disks
- No Trap Taken, Exp Trap Type - 00000009...Solved...simms in wrong banks...now more questions...
- Northstar disk controller family tree
- NT5
- Nubus (was CC-40)
- NW USA Quake
- obsoletecomputermuseum.org
- Older DEC manuals
- On the topic of old Suns...
- Oops! Almost forgot...
- Orlando Hamfest
- osborne manuals
- Osbourne computer question
- OT question: Military collectors?
- OT: "Put Down Engineers" Week (long and WAY OT)
- OT: FC AL termination question
- OT: furnace collecting and vintage furnace control system interfacing
- OT: Non x86 versions of NT5
- OT: Paging Bruce Lane
- OT: parts needed
- OT: Put Down Engineers" Week
- OT: Shake, Rattle, & Roll
- OT? PS2<->USB
- parts needed
- PDP 8 peripherals
- PDP11 non-rotating memory disk
- Pictures of first Dutch computer collectors meeting available
- Places to go in South Carolina?
- Popular Computing on eBay for $150+
- Popular Electronics on eBay for $150+
- Posted on E-pay...
- Prototype HP stuff
- ProYAM (was Sun SPARCstation 2)
- PS/2 L40SX
- qnx for free
- QNX!?!
- Quest for Apple II Red Book
- Question for the HPUX guys
- QVT103 terminal
- Raytheon 704
- Retrocomputing Archive Forums...
- Retrocomputing Archive...
- RGB-VGA Converter -- buy or build?
- RZ,nI: Claude Shannon
- Sam on HP-UX and 8.0 backup update
- Sam on HP-UX. Ugh
- Santee swap meet wrapup
- Scanner plays music?
- SCSI trouble on a MicroVAX IIGPX
- Searching for PS/2-E (9533-DB7) reference diskette
- Shake, Rattle, & Roll
- Shugart SA850/851 8" floppy drive
- Silly Apple IIc question
- simple question
- SOL-20 front label
- Solace, the Sol computer emulator, version 2.2
- Sorry Folks
- Stuff available in Arnhem, The Netherlands
- Sun 4/470 CPU/MEM needed
- Sun keyboard cable? Straight thru?
- Sun SPARCstation 2
- Sun SPARCstation 2)
- Sun type5 keyboard on Sparc2
- System resuscitation simplification
- Tandys/Apple ][e FCOS
- Tatung Einstein disks
- Tek XD88
- Tek XD88 (disk copying / sectors etc)
- Tek XD88 - current status & thanks
- TI CC-40
- TI CC-40 (Was: Santee swap meet wrapup)
- TI Microexplorer software/info wanted for web page
- Time Article - Computer Recycling
- Tosh 420CDT Thanx
- Toshiba 420 CDT help
- Toshiba Sat. Pro 420CDT Help needed
- transfer HD disk to DD
- TRS-80 Magazines
- Umm. My ftp server (Wedding)
- Unix filesystem checks
- UPS woes
- Usenet archives
- Using UK equipment in US
- Using UK equipment in US (long)
- uVAX II Memory Board
- Various bits available
- VAX 3100
- VAX Books available
- VAX question
- VMS 4.4 source code on microfiche
- VMS Manuals Available
- Wang VS-100 system
- Wanted: HP Application Notes
- Wanted: VAX 750 in central NJ
- Weekend finds _at_ Orlando hamfest
- What is this system? [LONG]
- White Chapel Workstations (Hitech) Hardware/Docs/Software Wanted
- Who was first with ^Z^X^C^V editing shortcuts
- Who was first with ^Z^X^C^V editing shortcuts?
- Wicat 68000 based system ...
- Wisconin (sic) area collectors wanted for media story
- Wisconin area collectors wanted for media story
- You may be a geek if.
- Last message date: Wed Feb 28 2001 - 23:05:53 GMT
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:33:45 BST