>Okay, I picked up quite a haul for $20:
Lucky Dog! :-)
>Now the question is, where on earth will I find some key
>programs -- mostly games (after all, games were its specialty!)
>but I REALLY want a 6502 assembler like Merlin, and to find
>connectors to fit the cartridge slot to hang some custom hardware
>off of and develop driver code for. I'll be careful. :)
www.cmdweb.com -- They are a commercial outfit that sells lots of Commodore
>And if I find it somewhere on the 'net, how to get it into
>the C64? Has anyone solved that one?
Yup... There is a cable called an X1541 (there are also a dizzying array of
variants) that connects from the PC Parallel port to the SERIAL input on the
1541 drive. There is also a piece of software called Star Commander that
will perform the transfers ...
http://sta.c64.org/sc.html for much more information....
Rich B.
Received on Mon Feb 05 2001 - 12:39:20 GMT