Great HP Finds

From: John R. Keys Jr. <>
Date: Sat Feb 10 22:16:59 2001

With back down to the warehouse today and found a Intel 286 and 8088 CPU
emulation units. I got both for very little money.

Got a IBM 370 Plasma flat screen Type 3290-2 very cheap.

On the HP side I got the following items:

- 10277B General Purpose Probe Interface unit, with manuals
- board wired for OPT 001 configuration
- 1615A Logic Analyzer
- 10066A HP-IB Probe Interface unit with doc's
- A box of probes and cables, have not looked into it yet.

Also got some Burroughs items.

Three large boxes full of manuals and software. Also some early Mac

Will get a fuller list later.
John Keys
Received on Sat Feb 10 2001 - 22:16:59 GMT

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