> Subject: Re: Apple discs and doc offer, etc.
> Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2001 18:25:04 -0800
> From: Milton Blackstone <milton_at_sciti.com>
> o: "S. Ring" <sring_at_uslink.net>, donm_at_cts.com, classiccmp_at_classiccmp/org
> References: <018e01c090cd$b3496140$9357ddcc_at_sring>
> Hello All:
> I appreciate the help my frienn Maslin offered by advising you folks
> that I had a bunch of Apple, Kaypro and early IBM stuff to d,
> Dodispose of and I apologize to the 5 or 6 people who contacted me
> requesting specific items they were interested in - but - I have all
> of this stuff packed in 3 heavy cartons and can not re-open them to
> check out your requests..or shlep them to a shipper. If there is
> anyone in the San Diego area who would be interested in doing same
> or want them for your archives - I would be pleased to make it
> available for pick-up.
> Sorry if you were misled but the intention was honorable.
> Milton Blackstone
> "S. Ring" wrote:
>> I am interested in what you have for theApple II series machines.
>> sring_at_uslink.net
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