Holy Crap! IMSAI's weren't this expensive when new!

From: David Williams <dlw_at_trailingedge.com>
Date: Mon Feb 12 10:03:51 2001

I think that's the same guy who recently asked me if I was
interested. At least everything in the auction seems the same. He
said he would put it on ebay if I wasn't interested. Well I was but it
became clear he wanted more than I was ready to pay. He
seemed pretty sure he could easily get $1000-$1500 for it on ebay
so I passed. It will be interesting to see how much someone is
willing to pay for it.

On 11 Feb 2001, at 21:27, Jeff Hellige wrote:
> For those that haven't seen it, someone just posted a SOL-20
> with North Star disk system, plus manuals on eBay. The opening bid he
> is asking is $999, while his 'Buy it now' price is $3,000. The system
> looks in decent enough shape, but it is missing it's front panel
> lable. Given what some of the other early S-100 bus systems have gone
> for recently, it will be interesting to see if he gets his opening
> price or above.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1214195149

David Williams - Computer Packrat
   You can learn to like the life you live
   or live the life you like.
Received on Mon Feb 12 2001 - 10:03:51 GMT

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