Tek XD88 - current status & thanks

From: Julian Richardson <JRichardson_at_softwright.co.uk>
Date: Tue Feb 20 03:22:53 2001

Well, lots of progress yesterday - I managed to read the entirety of the old
Tek hard drive on a modern PC using dd and an Adaptec controller - no idea
why the controller should make a difference (my other PC SCSI card doesn't
like the drive, and nor does the Tek's own controller)

Better still, I dumped the raw disk image onto another drive and put that
into the Tek, fully expecting it not to work - but it did!

A big thanks to those on the list that offered advice - looks like I might
be able to revive this thing :) (see my separate posting about filesystem



ps. the ROM-based diags reckon there's 64MB of memory in this thing and 16MB
of framebuffer - I'm not ready to believe that yet, but it'd be nice :-)

Received on Tue Feb 20 2001 - 03:22:53 GMT

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