I had a fairly well-packed IBM 5151 monitor arrive
recently via UPS with the case in pieces with the CRT
broken. Very sad. FedEx ground is by far the best
here in Southern Cal. With UPS, the box invariably
arrives trashed. With FedEx service here, the box is
almost always clean with sharp corners. I'm sure this
will change, however, as the large package volume at
FedEx increases.
> For a really fun shipping experience, try the postal
service for those
> delicate and heavy items - especially if you want to
be able to claim it.
> Guaranteed breakage of 30% from what I've had
experiences with them. If it
> can't be drop-kicked across the room in it's box and
survive then USPS
> doesn't get even a 1 lb item.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
> [mailto:owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of
Jeff Hellige
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 8:40 PM
> To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
> Subject: UPS woes
> Well, UPS struck again. In the past they've managed
> destroy any number of monitors, including a Tandy CM1
and a DEC
> VR201. Today a Blue/white G3 that I ordered arrived,
packed in all
> the original styrofoam and stuff and they still
managed to break the
> casing into numerous pieces. They must have really
tossed it around
> to cause the damage that was done. Needless to say,
in the future
> I'll be doing everything I can to avoid using UPS.
> Jeff
> --
> Collector of Classic Microcomputers and Video
Game Systems:
> Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000
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Received on Wed Feb 21 2001 - 00:24:08 GMT