Adopted -- PC Convertible 5140

From: Richard Downs <>
Date: Wed Feb 21 20:50:08 2001

Addressed to:
              "Richard A. Cini" <>

** Reply to note from "Richard A. Cini" <> Sun, 11 Feb 2001 15:05:17 -0500


I've got one of those. Mine came with PC-DOS 3.2.

The options are: thermal printer, printer cable (only needed to separate the
printer from the stack of "slices"), internal modem (1200 bps max), CRT
display adapter (functions same as the PC CGA adapter), mono and color
displays with a bracket to hold the monitor above the system, serial/parallel
adapter, auto power adapter, and battery charger. IBM called the external
adapters "function modules", but most people called them "slices".

It came with some special software: an application selector (open apps by
F-key), Notewriter, Schedule (with reminders and alarms), Phone List (with
dialer), Calculator (4 function, 1 memory with M+, M-, MR, MC). Also System
Tools: Sys Profile (sets display options, power options, internal modem
options) and a front-end for several DOS disk and file commands.

Was an interesting machine in its day.

Received on Wed Feb 21 2001 - 20:50:08 GMT

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