HP-UX discs available

From: Clint Wolff <vaxman_at_qwest.net>
Date: Wed Feb 21 22:54:48 2001


I am interested in using the disks for a few days, to get the files
I need for my HP X-terminal... I can forward them to someone else
when done too...


On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Paul Braun wrote:

> Hi, group.
> The surplus shop where I spend all my spare time got a box full of
> HP-UX cd's in and we have no need for them.
> IIRC, there are Core OS plus extensions and patches along with
> apps for at least Version 10.x and 9.x, plus some miscellaneous.
> They're all labeled for an HP9000 series 700 or 800.
> Anybody need these before we pitch 'em? If you need more
> specifics, I can get them for you Monday night.
> Thanks.
> Paul Braun WD9GCO
> Cygnus Productions
> nerdware_nospam_at_laidbak.com
> "A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."
Received on Wed Feb 21 2001 - 22:54:48 GMT

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