Altair Owners ...

From: Doug Salot <>
Date: Thu Jan 4 16:43:57 2001

On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> MITS built them with a disk, didin't they? I can't imagine how the
> dress-panel saying "Altair Hard Disk Controller" got on these boxes. The
> box bearing "Altair Floppy Disk Drive" on the front dress panel suggests the
> MITS people didn't feel the system was complete without one. I got these
> boxes in '81 or so, as they were liquidated from a MITS inventory auction,
> and I got a load of transformers as well.

FWIW, I think all of the Altair disk subsystems were spawned after Percom
bought MITS. IIRC, ICOM made a third-party disk subsystem for the Altair,
and then Percom ended up buying ICOM around the same time they bought

-- Doug
Received on Thu Jan 04 2001 - 16:43:57 GMT

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