> I just got a cable modem installed yesterday and would like to put something
> in place so I can access it from several computers. My preference is to use
> what I have on hand rather than go out and just buy a router. I have a
> SparcStation 2 with Solaris 7, of course some Pentium (and below) computers,
> etc. available but I am clueless on what type of software could be used to
> set this up. I would also like to put up a web server that most likely would
> only be accessable (for the time being) from inside. My knowledge in the
> area of setting something like this up is pretty small. Any suggestions?
> Thanks.
Key thing is you'll need two ethernet interfaces, so unless you've an
Ethernet S-Bus board for the Sparc 2 it's out.
Now do yourself a favor and look at this from the standpoint of security!
Go to
http://www.openbsd.org !!! Sure OpenBSD isn't as easy to setup as a
Windows or Linux solution, BUT it's a LOT more secure! As in 3+ years
without a remote exploit in the default install.
I prefer Solaris or Linux, but for this type app I'll only use OpenBSD!
BTW, OpenBSD should run on any of the platforms mentioned above.
Received on Fri Jan 12 2001 - 21:37:08 GMT