I found an old email from you on the web:
Hi guys, just wanted to say what I got at TCF.
I managed to get there at 3:45 on Sunday (15 minutes before closing on the
last day of the show.) Anyway here's what I got:
2 Seagate MFM Hard Drives *FREE*
1 Sysquest tape(?) drive *FREE*
the tape drive is about the size of a CD-ROM, what is it?
1 Apple IIe Users Guide *FREE*
(why? I dunno, it was in the trash)
1 CBM 8032 $5
(this things got some kind of memory board that plugs into the CPU
socket and a parallel interface)
1 Funky Mouse *FREE*
This last thing I need help with. It looks to be about 20+ years old but
I could be wrong... It is bright red, almost perfectly round, has a steel
ball as the roller, 3 black switches, and says "5271" and then "DEPRAZ -
MOUSE" on the bottom. It has what looks likea standard serial cable. The
guy said it was for a terminal right before he threw it out. Any ideas?
More importantly.... do you think I could use it on my PeeCEE? 8)
PS what'd everyone else get at TCF?
If you are still interested in the origin of the funky looking red
mouse, I can tell you. I got one myself. So before I write down the
whole history, give me an note whether you are still interested in it.
Greetings from Basel, Switzerland,
Beatrice Tobler || Konservatorin f?r Computer/Neue Medien | Museum
f?r Kommunikation | Helvetiastr. 16 | CH-3000 Bern 6| Tel: 031 357 55
44 (Di-Fr)| b.tobler_at_mfk.ch |
http://www.mfk.ch ||
Blauensteinerstrasse 8 | CH-4053 Basel | Tel: 061 274 10 36 |
btobler_at_magnet.ch |
http://www.unibas.ch/volkskunde/tobler.html ||
VolO - Volkskunde Online:
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