6502 and beyond .. (was Re: Nuke Redmond!)

From: THETechnoid_at_home.com <(THETechnoid_at_home.com)>
Date: Wed Jan 17 15:50:02 2001

The Apple IIgs was the only mainstream general-purpose computer which used
the 65c816 ( that I am aware of ). There is an upgrade called the Turbo
816 for the Atari 8-bit, and one or more similar accellerators for the



In <750.417T1600T6815681optimus_at_canit.se>, on 01/17/01
   at 04:49 PM, "Iggy Drougge" <optimus_at_canit.se> said:

>>III. There were 16 bit decendants of 6502, they had potential.

>The 65816, right? Used in the Super Nintendo, amongst others

Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
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Asheville, NC 28803
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Received on Wed Jan 17 2001 - 15:50:02 GMT

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