
From: John Foust <>
Date: Mon Jan 29 08:56:11 2001

At 09:47 AM 1/28/01 -0800, Sellam Ismail wrote:
>"" is a good case in point. It really isn't
>"" anymore, is it? Now I gotta go and edit my

OK, Mr. Little Red Hen... Who decided to make the bread
in the first place?

>Calling yourself or is completely passe these
>days anyway.

Yup, we don't really need TLDs. We antique computer collectors
wouldn't want to be seen as anything less than hip and trendy.
Guess the soul patch has to go.

Gee, Sellam, a few more years of this and you're going to
be as cantankerous and/or imbecilic as those old coots
on this list that you routinely lambast. What's an old coot
but someone who rants *all the time*?

- John
Received on Mon Jan 29 2001 - 08:56:11 GMT

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