Collecting and taxes

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Mon Jan 29 09:45:52 2001

> On a different tack, what's the group's thoughts about taxes etc? Should
> tax people visit my site they might think I'm making a living from buying
> and selling machines and may want a little extra cash out of me despite
> fact I can probably prove it's impossible to make real money out of this
> have a full time job and it really is a hobby....

There is a long-established tradition here in America wherein we
take great difference with a revenuer's (taxman's) attempt to
enter the premises. The tradition involves guns and dead taxmen.

All kidding aside, the 4th amendment to our Constitution elucidates
our intrinsic right to be safe and secure in our persons and property
from unwarranted intrusion. In other words, a U.S. citizen is never
required to admit a government agent unless the agent has a warrant,
and while it may happen from time to time, I don't think that revenue
agents typically ask for and receive warrants to enter a private residence.

There are, however, some horror stories I could tell involving the
U.S. Marshalls' Service who are able to perform warrantless searches,
but they're looking for pirated software, not old iron.

Received on Mon Jan 29 2001 - 09:45:52 GMT

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