> >The only NeXT I've seen listed as
>>supporting more than 32meg is the '040 Cube. Otherwise, as far as I
>>know, 8meg 72pin SIMMs will only work in the Turbo's.
>True as far as I know. My 040 non-turbo Cube has 16 30-pin slots, all
>currently stuffed with 4M simms for a total of 64M.
Actually, I need to correct myself...I took a look at the
Blackhole Inc. site and Ron has a scan of a brochure for the Turbo
NeXTstation Color. It shows it being capable of 128meg. Too bad
that the non-Turbo Color with it's 8 SIMM slots doesn't seem to work
with larger the 4meg SIMMs. Obviously there were a few more changes
made between the two other than ADB support and a faster CPU.
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Received on Tue Jan 30 2001 - 19:39:58 GMT