Frank McConnell wrote:
> Chuck McManis <> wrote:
> > As I understand it the Computer Museum History Center brought up SpaceWar
> > on a PDP-1 to demonstrate it before some patent attorneys who used it as
> > 'prior art' to invalidate some video game patents.
> IIRC, TCM's PDP-1 failed to power up at some time while still at TCM
> in Boston. (Early-mid 1990s?) It is now at Moffett Field, and there
> is (or was recently) interest in restoring it to functionality.
> -Frank McConnell
There is actually more than 1 PDP-1 at Moffett. They had one in the
visible display area during DECWORLD 2001, but another one sits all
wrapped up on a pallet in the warehouse storage area. I am sure they
will eventually get one running. They expect to build a new building
and occupy it in 2005. A working PDP-1 would make a nice exhibit for
the new location. They have enough old DEC systems in the warehouse to
keep them busy with restoration projects for a long time.
Doug Carman
Received on Sun Jul 08 2001 - 10:03:41 BST