Celebration (intended to be offensive, possible humor)
What is this CRAP!
All all laws just and fair? Hell no.
How about a law against long, off-topic threads on this list!
Lets not kill the messanger (yet), but lets kill the OT threads, please.
Richard Erlacher wrote:
> see below, plz.
> Dick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "John Allain" <allain_at_panix.com>
> To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 4:12 PM
> Subject: Re: Celebration (intended to be offensive, possible humor)
> > - - - - -
> > "if {people} disobey the law, that's prima fasciae evidence that they don't
> > want
> > to be part of the society, hence, that they need to be removed from the
> > planet."
> > - - - - -
> > Sorry, I can't let a statement like this be made without dissent.
> > (1) I can't expect an enforceable perfection from others, and
> It's the notion of intent that's the problem. You can't measure that, however,
> so it's the act that's got to be the determining factor.
> > (2) see no need to make any penalties not match the crimes
> > involved. This is the modern equivalent of 'Eye for an Eye'.
> >
> That's the other side of the coin. If you adhere to the slippery slope notion,
> then you recognize that if one is mildly punished for stealing a grape, but
> severely punished for stealing a pig, it's easy to make the transition. If
> one's killed for either, it makes no difference, since it will only have to be
> dealt with once.
> Just ask yourself, "What would it take to make me (meaning YOU) adhere to all
> the laws all the time?" Adhering to the laws is far from perfection, since the
> laws aren't perfect. Laws are the minimal conduct needed from every citizen in
> order to have a liveable society. If you don't care to live in a society with a
> given set of laws, you should leave. If there's no place on the planet where
> there are laws that suit you, then you should go elsewhere. The laws define the
> minimal acceptable behavior within a given society. If you don't want to adhere
> to those minimae, then you should be ejaculated from the society. Surely
> there's someplace that will tolerate your behavior, but others, those willing to
> behave within the legal standards, shouldn't have to tolerate your antisocial
> and extralegal behavior.
> If you don't like a law, then set about to change it within the system. In the
> meantime, however, you must still behave as a law abiding citizen. Part of
> effecting change involves work and suffering, the rest is waiting.
> You enjoy the freedoms you enjoy only because others, less selfish than you
> repress their urge to harm you whenever your extralegal behavior irritates them.
> If you KNEW for certain that someone else would take it upon himself to punish
> you by some equally illegal act, and any illegal act is equally illegal, you
> might not behave as you do.
> >
> > - - - - -
> > "Clearly, you can't see the sense of this"
> > - - - - -
> > Yup, me too.
> >
> >
> > - - - - -
> > "You know as well as anyone, that if you KNEW for certain that you'd be
> > killed
> > for speeding"
> > - - - - -
> > If you're talking about death for speeding and the like, then I believe the
> > people
> > would toss law enforcement altogether and start over.
> >
> >
> > John A.
> >
> >
> >
Received on Sun Jul 08 2001 - 10:12:29 BST
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