At 08:41 AM 7/9/01 -0600, Richard wrote:
>What's more, they (the Oil interests) would really hate it if they were
>to sell all the production from the U.S. to the U.S. and stop exporting.
Dammed Right! I used to live in Roanoke, Virginia during the so
called "energy shortage" in the mid-70s. Roanoke was the headquarters of
the N&W Railroad and is located on their main line between W.Virginia and
the seaports on the east coast of Virginia. EVERYDAY I used to see a
multitude of trains loaded with nothing but coal from W.V. headed to the
seaports to be loaded and hauled to Japan and other countries. This was at
the same time that we couldn't heat our houses or drive our cars due to a
"lack" of coal and oil! Wake up, folks! These "shortages" are nothing
more than the manipulations of the oil industries and other large companies
and are designed to do nothing except increase their profits. Go look up
the statistics for the amount of oil imported during the so called arab oil
embargo of the 70s. It was virtually the same as before the "embargo" but
yet the comsumers were hood-winked into believing that there was a major
shortage and tricked into paying more than double the price for all fuels.
Even the ones that originated in the US. Go look at the amount of oil, gas
or electric power consumed in this country. Has it declined at all in the
last 30 years? No, of course not. The oil and power companies don't want
it to decline, they have to keep up their profits.
Stop and think about what's going on in this country. The major
companies are screwing the American public on a daily basis and many of the
politicians (particularly the Republicans) are playing right along. The
companies invent these crisis and then use them as a pretext to not only
rob us blind but also to circumvent numerious laws including conspiracy,
anti-trust and enviromental laws. If you have doubts about the willingness
of the politicians to play along with the enrgy companies, go look up the
donor's names and amounts of the contributions to guys like GWB. All of
that data is public record. While you're at it look up his investments in
the oil and other energy related companies. With conficts of interest
like his, we will never develope an alternative to oil and gasoline and we
will never resolve the "energy crisis".
Ok, I'll get off my soap box now.
Received on Mon Jul 09 2001 - 10:32:10 BST
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