Any IBM S/360 model 30 on this globe (fwd)

From: Paul Thompson <>
Date: Tue Jul 10 10:05:58 2001

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Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 12:45:59 +0200
From: Henk Stegeman <>
Subject: Any IBM S/360 model 30 on this globe
Resent-Subject: Any IBM S/360 model 30 on this globe
I have an old IBM S/360 model 30 front panel and I started
a project to bring this panel back to live.
I wrote an emulator on Linux which emulates S/360 model 30 micro-code
You read this correctly: micro-code instruction, not S/360 instructions.
The emulator is now finished and has already executed successfully some
micro-code instructions which I copied out of the Field Engineering Theory
of Operation
Manual (FETOM).
I need a complete copy of all the IBM CLD pages to implement the
full micro-code set needed for the whole S/360 instruction set.
I am now searching for any remaining IBM S/360 models 30 or 22 on this
globe (privately or museum).
Who can help me ?
I know that the Computer Museum at Mountain View and the IBM Museum in
have a model 30 but unfortunately without documentation.
Any hint, tips or leads are welcome !
Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 10:05:58 BST

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