On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, joe wrote:
> At 08:47 PM 7/9/01 -0700, Eric wrote:
> >More to the point, my tax dollars go to pay the unpaid medical bills
> >of the stupid, and when too many stupid people get head injuries my car
> >and health insurance rates go up.
And my tax dollars go towards towards pacifying numbskulls who write
things like what Eric just wrote.
> Hell, that applies to anything you can name; car crash victums, skate
> boarding accidents, people tripping on the side walks, etc etc etc. The
> list is endless. Should you let the "hospital costs" rational be used to
> govern everything we do? I don't think so.
Well said Joe! We do so many things in the course of everyday life
that could be considered hazardous, yet, some politicians who, with
the help of actuaries, acting to please the bean counters, pass laws
based upon sometimes contrived and misleading statistics that further
curtail our freedom. I don't recall there being anything in this
nation's founding documents stating that our liberty and freedom are
supposed to be conditional, based upon economics, yet, that's
apparently what's happening.
> What if the next law is that
> no one will be allowed to work on their own computers since they could be
> injured and the public would have to pay the cost of their
Surely there is economic greed behind some of these laws. If we
repair and preserve older computers, televisions, cars,
etc. ourselves, we're not paying certain businesses to do these
things. Also, it may mean, as far as the dinosaur-brains of
politicians are concerned, that we're not buying new computers and
cars, etc., and are hence not doing things which are in the best
economic interests of the businesses that our politicians feel are
more important than the average tax-abused citizen. If we don't
preserve and repair older computers, cars, etc., then, there are,
hypothetically, larger profits to be made through the sales of new
computers, cars, etc.
> hospitalization? Rediculous? Not really. That's the exact rational that
> was used to pass the helmets laws to begin with and from what Tony says the
There are too many commercial interests, and other special interests,
interfering with liberty and freedom. It's not just the insurance
companies either. Consider all of the money to be made by the sales
of safety helmets, child-safety seats, hand-free components such as
microphones and external speakers for mobile phones, etc.
> UK isn't far from enacting such non-sensical regulations.
...and if you want to see what sort of things that the world's
political cretins (doesn't it appear that most politicians are
mentally immature children in adult's bodies?) have developed for use
in making people comply with what they want, take a look at the
information about "an appraisal of technologies of political control,"
etc. at:
Be forewarned, what you'll see is not at all pleasant; it's the work
of many very sick minds. But then, that just shows what we have
running our governments - a bunch of immature, power-craving,
control-freaks, megalomaniacs and busy-bodies who are often incapable
of rational thought, who, to make things worse, have typically also
had their reptilian brains influenced by peer-pressure and religious
dogma of one sort or other that doesn't exactly discourage harm to
others, which discourages a "live and let live" way of thinking.
> want them to. Can you imagine the precedence that it would set? The next
> thing you know they'd be dening emergency care for any rediculous reason.
Our ever so considerate---of their own best interests---politicians
have already passed a law, or laws, that allow insurers to deny
coverage to people involved in activities perceived as "risky," such
as equestrians, based upon the perceived danger of such activities as
horseback riding, and the costs associated with injuries. What's to
prevent insurance companies from eventually declining to cover the
costs of hospitalization for someone who's been injured by repairing
the PSU in a classic computer, or by incorrectly lifting some heavy
classic computer bits at home?
Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd_at_rddavis.net 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.net beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 10:17:50 BST