Light Pen for PCjr or PC?

From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Mon Jul 16 21:09:32 2001

John Foust skrev:

>At 09:44 PM 7/14/01 -0700, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
>>When the computer hears from the lightpen that it sees the light, it knows
>>(I promised over-simplification!) where the light is at that instant, and
>>therefore, now knows where the lightpen is.

>It's all about light detection and horizontal and vertical
>scan timing. There were light pens for the Amiga that worked
>at a distance and with projection televisions, for example.
>The same principle is used in old console games for the
>"gun" that knows what you're pointing at on-screen.

I'm not certain about newer light guns, but the old NES ones certainly didn't
know what you were pointing about. Whenever the trigger was pulled, the screen
would blank, and through timing when the optosensor in the gun would report
the flash, the console could establish where it was pointing.
But only when the trigger was pulled. Otherwise, the system was oblivious to
where the gun was pointed.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Received on Mon Jul 16 2001 - 21:09:32 BST

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