Douglas Quebbeman <> said:
> >
> > Vintage geek clothing contest.
> >
> heh. the winner should be someone who manages to find a way
> to wear both a t-sheet and a pocket protector...
This just got me to thinking....
How did pocket protectors become associated with 'computer
And how many here have wore a pocket protector on a regular
basis in the past?
I remember there was a time in school when I always wore
my metal Pickett in it's leather scabbard hanging from my
belt, but I never wore a pocket protector. I carried my
pens in my pants pockets.
My father wore a pocket protector all the time even when
he was not in uniform. In the 60's he managed gas stations.
Uniform shirts were expensive and the pocket protectors
were handed out for free by parts, tool, and oil distributors.
In the pocket protector he always carried - a tire gauge,
two pens (for filling out credit card slips), and a small
I just never associated pocket protectors with anything
high tech.
Doug Coward
_at_ home in Poulsbo, WA
Analog Computer Online Museum and History Center
Received on Fri Jul 27 2001 - 00:57:39 BST