old RAID canister wanted

From: Paul Braun <nerdware_at_laidbak.com>
Date: Fri Jul 27 01:02:23 2001

The only ones I have access to are UW drive cannisters,

Haven't seen a lot of the SD stuff around... got mine from a recycler.


> I've got an aging (1991-92) Storage Dimensions RAID box that uses
> canisters with SDI's part number B68221, with the further designation
> of "Module Asm,Hot Plug," followed by the drive model number. I need
> another such canister. The original mfg, Storage Dimensions, was
> acquired by DotHill about 5 years back and they don't have any options
> to offer.
> Do any of you guys know where one might find such an oddity.
> thanks,
> Dick

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."
Received on Fri Jul 27 2001 - 01:02:23 BST

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