Talking 'bout shakin & quakin (was Re: Storage of computer and parts in the residential area)

From: Carlos Murillo <>
Date: Mon Jun 11 05:46:31 2001

At 10:46 PM 6/8/01 -0700, you wrote:
>The episode also immediately exposed the California natives (we're the ones
>who stood around watching the waves in the floor while drinking coffee and
>eyeing the nearest desks and doorways) and the non-natives (who went
>out of the building).

In my experience, the more "seasoned" the observers are, the more
panic they'll experience. Some of the most quake-paranoid people
I have seen are Mexico-Citiers and colombians in the central
coffee-growing region. But they've been through 10K+ death tolls...


Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez
Received on Mon Jun 11 2001 - 05:46:31 BST

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