On Jun 17, 19:31, Hans H?bner wrote:
> I've recently acquired an Intergraph 2430, a Workstation based on the
> Fairchild Clipper processor.
Mmm.. nice find!
> Does anyone have detailed information on the pinout of the 13W3 connector
> Intergraph workstations, on the video parameters used or any other
> information which could help me use this machine?
Not specifically Intergraph, I'm afraid, but I can tell you about two
common pinouts used for 13W3 connectors: that used by Sun, and that used by
SGI. They both put R,G,B on the same coax connections, but they differ in
the use of the other ten pins for monitor type sense and separate sync.
Here are the pinouts:
Pin-Layout of a 13W3 (female end): () denotes 75-ohm mini-coax
() 1 2 3 4 5 () ()
6 7 8 9 10
pin A1 - Red/R-Gnd
pin A2 - Green/G-Gnd
pin A3 - Blue/B-Gnd
pin 1 - monitor type 3
pin 2 - monitor type 0
pin 3 - Composite Sync
pin 4 - H Drive
pin 5 - V Drive
pin 6 - monitor type 1
pin 7 - monitor type 2
pin 8 - digital gnd
pin 9 - digital gnd
pin 10 - sync 2
Pin 10 is groound on some SGI machines.
pin A1 - Red/R-Gnd
pin A2 - Green/G-Gnd
pin A3 - Blue/B-Gnd
pin 1 - n/c
pin 2 - n/c
pin 3 - sense 2
pin 4 - sense ret
pin 5 - Composite Sync
pin 6 - n/c
pin 7 - n/c
pin 8 - sense 1
pin 9 - sense 0
pin 10 - C-Sync ret
Suns most often use composite sync (if not sync-on-green) whereas SGIs most
often use separate H and V sync (if not sync-on-green). SGI cables tend to
have only as many pins as are needed for the machine the cable was sold
for; Sun cables usually have all pins wired. For those few Suns that do
use separate syncs, H is pin 6 and V is pin 7.
I believe some VAXstations use 13W3 connectors -- anybody got the pinout
for those?
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Sun Jun 17 2001 - 16:56:39 BST