I'm thinking of an incident that happened when I was in grad school in
1993 or so. It was summer, the guys down the hall were obviously basket
ball team, and had the rap music pumped up LOUD. The joys of dorm living.
After discovering that I'm too old to sleep through ACDC loud enough to wake
the dead (and blot out the noise) anymore and equally unable to sleep through
my windows vibrating to something or other about killing cops, I knocked
on the door. The guy who answered was at least a foot taller than me, very
athletic, and of a different racial stock than mine. Seemed like confrontation
was iminant. When I asked him to please turn it down a bit, he apologised and
turned it off. I told him that wasn't necessary, just so it didn't rattle my
windows was fine. It never was an issue again.
Perhaps the most useful thing I learned that day.
The place was Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
> WOW! I'm tempted to ask what color the sky is there, but trust you about
> the level of cooperation that you get where you are. It might be worth
> moving there!
Jim Strickland
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Received on Thu Jun 21 2001 - 21:25:58 BST