> Some of the pages are starting to come unglued, and I'd like to
> avoid destroying the book while archiving it. Any suggestions on
> what to use to re-glue the pages, or rebinding, etc? I've got
> quite a pile of these handbooks and will be doing the same (scanning)
> to them, but this is definitely the oldest / most fragile handbook
> in the collection.
The method (hot-glue) that is used for binding paperback books and
phonebooks is called "Perfect binding".
I am currently trying to sell an Armarco perfect binding machine. It is
fairly easy to use, but requires a fair amount of practice before you get
good results. I want at least $100 (I paid $800 used 10 years ago, and
never actively used it). You would have to make all arrangements for
shipping; I don't even want to THINK about shipping it. It is about 4'
long by a foot deep, by a foot and a half high.
Alternatively, the largest of your local libraries could tell you which
local printing and binding shop they use for book repairs.
Fred Cisin cisin_at_xenosoft.com
XenoSoft http://www.xenosoft.com
PO Box 1236 (510) 558-9366
Berkeley, CA 94701-1236
Received on Fri Jun 22 2001 - 12:18:34 BST