Punched card readers

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_bg-tc-ppp896.monmouth.com>
Date: Sat Jun 23 17:48:54 2001

> On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Jeff Hellige wrote:
> Straying a bit off topic, can someone explain why the Navy, a branch of
> the US military, requiring rock solid, uncompromising stability in the
> systems that control their vessels, in their infinite procedural and
> compliance wisdom, would choose Windows NT to control battleships?
> Or was that just a sick joke? I know it wasn't, but I'd like to believe
> it was ;)
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival

The NT wasn't the problem. It was their database app not handling a
mistake -- a 0 input into a field that it didn't validate
led to a divide by zero error their app didn't handle.

The NT was not the problem. (I'd like to blame MS -- but this one's a
standard military contract software house screw up... probably).

  Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a 
  villain in a James Bond movie              -- Dennis Miller 
Received on Sat Jun 23 2001 - 17:48:54 BST

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