On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 11:55:02AM -0700, Frank McConnell wrote:
> HP's software? The stuff that came with my 6200 was disappointing: I
> either got very lossy JPEGs or insufficiently-colorful GIFs out of it.
> I installed FreeBSD, SANE, and the GIMP and was much happier.
The software (and the scanner, frankly) that came with the 3400C was
okay for normal mundane stuff, but not for book scanning. Plus, it
was slow.
Got a 7450C (with sheet feeder and transparency adapter). Woah, proof
that you get what you pay for ($99 versus $699). MUCH MUCH nicer.
PrecisionScan Pro, etc.
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
Received on Sat Jun 23 2001 - 23:37:06 BST