Ethan Dicks skrev:
>--- Eric Chomko <> wrote:
>> Ethan Dicks wrote:
>> > > > ...the 1% rule - ten years later, you can get a computer for 1% of
>> > > > its original purchase price.
>> Well I suspect that the 1% rule means that a system is a) not rare, and b)
>> totally obsolete in the sense that all its functionality can be had in
>> newer machines (more at superset).
>As I disclaimed, this does not account for the collector value of certain
>computers, especially as you get far beyond 10 years. A 10-year-old
>computer hits 1%; a 25-year-old computer is frequently worth more than it
>was at 10 years, but not necessarily more than it was when it was new.
It's quite funny how I've been given working Mac IIci setups or at most have
paid 25 crowns (hamburger money) for them, whereas finding an (unexpanded)
Amiga 3000 or Atari TT (equivalent systems at the time, but with a cheaper
price tag) below 1000 crowns is very difficult.
Similarly, classic workstations seem to be worth peanuts (at least on eBay).
If only Amigas had been a success in the academic world, then I could buy them
by the dozen on eBay. =)
>> I'm trying to think of a coin collecting equivalent and can only think of
>> coins sold by the pound (weight). Many coin dealers actually buy foreign
>> coins that way.
>Debased currency aside, I would think that a coin that is legible is never
>worth less than face value, or 100%. Money that has been removed from
>circulation (British Pound notes, for example) is no longer currency, and
>could be considered to be "no longer functioning". A bundle of cotton rag
>paper with colored printing on it is worth an infintessimal fraction of the
>same weight in $100 bills.
All British notes that I've seen have been in pounds...
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Keine Grenze verlockt mehr zum Schmuggeln als die Altersgrenze.
--- Robert Musil
Received on Wed Jun 27 2001 - 20:17:41 BST