Whats a reasonable collection?[D

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_bg-tc-ppp1667.monmouth.com>
Date: Thu Jun 28 18:39:44 2001

> >
> > Not senility but rather an afflication known as CRS or "Can't Remember
> > Shit" - I'm also 44 and it hits me regularly. Not old enough to have
> > indulged the "bad acid" of Woodstock but there is definitely a ton of crap
> YKYBHTLW your first thought on reading the above is
> 'But the HP2x series of handhelds used NiCd battery packs, so the
> electrolyte is alkaline.'
> (for the non-HP hackers on this list, the HP21, 22, 25, 27, 25C and 29C
> calculators were called the 'Woodstock Family').
> -tony

I'm 47 and remember well my HP21... and the NiCd packs and the Xacto
battery replacement tricks...

HP pack out, cut, standard commercial NiCd cells snapped in as a
replacement. I wish I could find an HP21 at a flea market here.

My new HP calculator does hex,octal,binary and all the nice
stuff but it's not RPN (shudder).

  Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a 
  villain in a James Bond movie              -- Dennis Miller 
Received on Thu Jun 28 2001 - 18:39:44 BST

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