Wang VS-100 system

From: Jim Battle <>
Date: Thu Mar 1 02:22:52 2001

At 07:26 AM 2/28/01 -0500, ip500/craig wrote:
> Anyone using or hacking a Wang VS-100 system for anything these
> days? I
>ran across a very complete looking one in a storage building but as it's
>reasonably huge I've left it for the time being. O/S is unique to Wang
>is it not? Too proprietary to be of any use?
> Thanks, Craig

I haven't used a VS system myself, but if you want to get a flavor of what
it is
like, try running this Wang VS emulator:

It isn't a simple binary emulator; instead, the author is recreating the system
at the OS call level. The author has a 45 minute each way train commute, so
he has spent the last 8 years or something working on it in bits and pieces.
What a slog!

Anyway, it's something to get you going.

Jim Battle ==
Received on Thu Mar 01 2001 - 02:22:52 GMT

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