This is not necessarily off-topic, because the device is interesting enough
to qualify, even tho it is less than 5 years old.
I recently picked up an HP 200LX "palm-top". This is discontinued from HP,
in favor of their PocketPC products, but the details can be had at In short, this is a palm-sized PC,
with a slightly-less-than 8MHz 80186 processor, 2mb of RAM, and embedded
DOS. It has your slew of familiar PIM type apps - calendar, contacts. It
also has an embedded version of Quicken and cc:Mail. It has a PCMCIA
controller, but I dunno what devices it supports. I tried a Lucent WaveLAN
803.11b Silver card in it, but, as I suspected, it did not work. According
to HP docs, you can use flash-ram, modems, and other devices. I have the
recharger, but it's fitted with alkaline batteries right now. You'd
obviously need NiCad to use the recharger unit. Includes a fairly thick
users guide.
I'm offering it here first, just because I find it a "gee-whiz" type of
device, if not exactly "classic". If no-one here is interested, I'll try to
offer it on e-bay. It works, except I get error messages that the backup
battery is low, even tho I replaced it. Perhaps something is wrong?
I'll trade it for pretty much anything of interest (but I'd really like a
VAX 750 :) so let me know please.
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Received on Fri Mar 02 2001 - 17:06:53 GMT